Monday, October 17, 2011

Catching up...

Oh my gosh!! I haven't been on here in forever! Country life has been goin' good. My dad got a shotgun from the neighbor and he's been mass murdering skunks. :) JK! He shot about 5 or 6 in all. We've had them  wandering around and one of them was out during the day! We followed it around our property and our neighbor's until my dad came to shoot it! I just heard coyotes too last night...well, more like early morning. It was probably around 1 or 2 in the morning. It was pretty creepy; they were howling and barking!
Well, I guess that's it for a country update. Check back soon!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Another dull day in the country...

Yes, that's exactly what I thought yesterday morning. Another boring summer day, with nothing to do. Until around 4:30 in the afternoon. *scary ghost story voice* Mom and I were making dinner. I went outside to put okra in the other fridge, when I saw it. A grass fire was raging in the back pasture and the goats were running around in the barnyard. I ran inside and told Mom. She ran out to get the goats while I called 911. *scary voice stops* Thankfully, this guy showed up since his daughter saw the fire from the road. He helped us put out the majority of the fire in our pasture and in the property next to ours. By the time the fire department showed up, the fire had spread to our neighbor's property and onto the back of Medieval Times. (There were about 6 or 7 trucks there!) Yes, it was a tragic experience, yet exciting too! And at the end of it all, Mom could be heard saying, "And today was supposed to be a slow day for me to work on scrapbooks....."

Saturday, July 30, 2011

History made on the farm

Today a momentous event has occured.
No, we did not buy a horse. I wish..
Yes, we did buy something.
And it's a truck! Another addition to our farm life. We'll eventually be getting chickens, and we already bought a coop as well!
The baby goats aren't so little anymore either. Zorro has gotten pretty heavy and Zelie isn't such a tiny little cutie. Although she is still a cutie... :)
That's pretty much it for an update about country life, unless you count the extreme heat!